The source file:
#include <ocicpp.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <sys/time.h> #include <map> #include <iostream.h> using std::string; using namespace OCICPP; void printHead(Cursor &); void printRow(Cursor &); void help(Connection &); void connect(Connection &); void transStart(Connection &); void transCommit(Connection &); void transRollback(Connection &); void version(Connection &); void test_hash_cap(Connection &); void exit(Connection &); void test_blob(Connection &); void test_bfile(Connection &); void test_aqm(Connection &); void test_rowid(Connection &); void test_refcur(Connection &); void test_ntable(Connection &); void test_perfomance(Connection &); void test_prefetch(Connection &); void createBFile(Connection &); void serverVersion(Connection &); void test_huge_insert(Connection &); typedef void (*func_type) (Connection &); map<string,func_type> commands_map; map<string,string> help_map; void init_command_map() { commands_map["connect"]=connect; commands_map["exit"]=exit; commands_map["version"]=version; commands_map["help"]=help; commands_map["transStart"]=transStart; commands_map["transCommit"]=transCommit; commands_map["transRollback"]=transRollback; commands_map["test_hash_cap"]=test_hash_cap; commands_map["test_blob"]=test_blob; commands_map["test_aqm"]=test_aqm; commands_map["test_rowid"]=test_rowid; commands_map["test_refcur"]=test_refcur; commands_map["test_ntable"]=test_ntable; commands_map["test_perf"]=test_perfomance; commands_map["test_prefetch"]=test_prefetch; commands_map["test_bfile"]=test_bfile; commands_map["createBFile"]=createBFile; commands_map["serverVersion"]=serverVersion; commands_map["test_huge_insert"]=test_huge_insert; } void init_help_map() { help_map["connect"]="connecting to database prompts for tnsname , user and password"; help_map["exit"]="exit's demo"; help_map["version"]="Prints ocicpplib version"; help_map["help"]="Prints this help"; help_map["transStart"]="Starts new serializable transaction"; help_map["transCommit"]="Commits current transaction"; help_map["transRollback"]="Rollbacks current transaction"; help_map["test_hash_cap"]="Shows use of hash capabilities"; help_map["test_blob"]="Shows use of lob capabilities."; help_map["test_aqm"]="Shows use of bind calls.Uses as code example."; help_map["test_rowid"]="Shows use of rowid.Uses as code example"; help_map["test_refcur"]="Shows use of refcursor.Uses as code example"; help_map["test_ntable"]="Shows use of nested tables.Uses as code example"; help_map["test_bfile"]="Shows use of BFile selected from table"; help_map["createBFile"]="Shows use of BFiles specified by directory and name"; help_map["serverVersion"]="Print server version"; } int main(int argv,char **argc) { db::init(); Connection con; // Cursor cur; string sql; init_command_map(); init_help_map(); help(con); connect(con); while(1) { cout<<">"; getline(cin,sql); try { map<string,func_type>::const_iterator iter=commands_map.find(sql); if(iter!=commands_map.end()) { (iter->second)(con); } else if(sql=="") { help(con); } else { cout<<"Constructing cursor"<<endl; Cursor cur; cout<<"Dropping it"<<endl; cur.drop(); cout<<"Executing query"<<endl; con.execQuery(sql,cur); cout<<"executed ok"<<endl; printHead(cur); while(cur.fetch()) { printRow(cur); } } } catch(OraError er) { cout << er.message<<endl; } } } void connect(Connection &con) { string tns,user,passwd; cout << "connect string:"; getline(cin,tns); cout<<"user:"; getline(cin,user); cout<<"password:"; getline(cin,passwd); cout<<"Connecting..."<<endl; con.drop(); db::connect(tns.c_str(),user.c_str(),passwd.c_str(),con); cout<<"connected."<<endl; } void transStart(Connection &con) { con.transStart(); } void transCommit(Connection &con) { con.transCommit(); } void transRollback(Connection &con) { con.transRollback(); } void version(Connection &con) { version(); } void test_hash_cap(Connection &con) { Cursor cur; string sql,cell; cout << "sql:"; getline(cin,sql); cout << "enter '<' when finish playing"<<endl; con.execQuery(sql,cur); printHead(cur); if(!cur.fetch()) return; cout<<"fetched ok"<<endl; while(1) { string field; cout<<"Field to print or '.' to next row:"; cin>>field; if(field==".") { if(!cur.fetch()) break; } else if(field=="<") { break; } else { try { cur.getStr(field,cell); cout<<cell<<endl; } catch(OraError &er) { if(er.errtype()==OCICPPERROR) { cout<<er.message<<endl; continue; } else throw; } } } } void exit(Connection &con) { try { con.drop(); } catch(OraError er) { cout << er.message<<endl; exit(1); } exit(0); } void test_bfile(Connection &con) { Cursor cur; string sql,field,mode,dir,pos,len; cout << "sql: "; getline(cin,sql); con.execQuery(sql,cur); if(!cur.fetch()) { cout << "No more rows"<<endl; return; } while(1) { cout<< "field to process or . for next row:"; getline(cin,field); if(field==".") { if(!cur.fetch()) { cout << "No more rows "<<endl; return; } } else if(field=="") { return; } else { BFile bfile; unsigned actread; if(cur.getColType(field)==SQLT_FILE) { cur.getFILE(field,bfile);; } else { return; } while(1) { cout << "mode(r/s/l/o) Enter to exit:"; getline(cin,mode); if(mode=="s") { cout<<"Direction(SET/CUR/END:"; getline(cin,dir); cout<<"Position:"; getline(cin,pos); if(dir=="SET"),SET); else if(dir=="CUR"),CUR); else,END); } else if(mode=="o") { cout<<"Offset:"<<bfile.tell()<<endl; } else if(mode=="l") { cout << "Len: "<<bfile.getLen()<<endl; } else if(mode=="r") { char buf[256]; while((,254))) { buf[actread]='\0'; cout << buf; } cout << endl; } else break; } bfile.close(); } } } void test_blob(Connection &con) { Cursor cur; string sql,field,mode,blob,dir,pos,len; cout << "sql: "; getline(cin,sql); con.execQuery(sql,cur); if(!cur.fetch()) { cout << "No more rows"<<endl; return; } while(1) { cout<< "field to process or . for next row:"; getline(cin,field); if(field==".") { if(!cur.fetch()) { cout << "No more rows "<<endl; return; } } else if(field=="") { return; } else { Lob lob; unsigned actread; if(cur.getColType(field)==SQLT_BLOB) cur.getBLOB(field,lob); else if(cur.getColType(field)==SQLT_CLOB) cur.getCLOB(field,lob); while(1) { cout << "mode(r/w/s/t/l/o) Enter to exit:"; getline(cin,mode); if(mode=="s") { cout<<"Direction(SET/CUR/END:"; getline(cin,dir); cout<<"Position:"; getline(cin,pos); if(dir=="SET"),SET); else if(dir=="CUR"),CUR); else,END); } else if(mode=="o") { cout<<"Offset:"<<lob.tell()<<endl; } else if(mode=="t") { cout << "new len:"; getline(cin,len); lob.trunc(atoi(len.c_str())); } else if(mode=="l") { cout << "Len: "<<lob.getLen()<<endl; } else if(mode=="r") { char buf[256]; while((,254))) { buf[actread]='\0'; cout << buf; } cout << endl; } else if(mode=="w") { cout<<"data:"; getline(cin,blob); lob.write(blob.c_str(),strlen(blob.c_str())); } else break; } } } } void test_aqm(Connection &con) { string sql,param,val; short isNull; map<string,string> params; Cursor cur; cout<<"sql to run:"; getline(cin,sql); con.prepare(sql,cur); cout<<"Statement prepared"<<endl; do { cout<<"parameter name:"; getline(cin,param); if(param=="") break; cout<<"value:"; getline(cin,val); params[param]=val; cur.bind(param,val,&isNull); } while(1); cur.execute(); printHead(cur); while(cur.fetch()) { printRow(cur); } } void test_rowid(Connection &con) { string sql="select rowid,id,var_col from ociex where id<5 for update"; string id,upSql; Cursor cur1,cur2; RowID rowid; short isNull; con.execQuery(sql,cur1); while(cur1.fetch()) { cur1.getRowID("ROWID",rowid); cur1.getStr("ID",id); upSql="update ociex set var_col='testing rowid id="+id+"' where rowid=:rid"; cout<<upSql<<endl; con.prepare(upSql,cur2); cout<<"Statement for cur2 prepared"<<endl; cur2.bind(":rid",rowid,&isNull); cout<<"binded ok"<<endl; cur2.execute(); cout<<"executed ok"<<endl; } } void test_refcur(Connection &con) { Cursor cur1,cur2; string sql=" begin OPEN :cursor1 FOR SELECT * FROM ociex; end;"; con.prepare(sql,cur1); cur1.bind(":cursor1",cur2); cur1.execute(); cur2.execute(); printHead(cur2); while(cur2.fetch()) { printRow(cur2); } } void test_ntable(Connection &con) { Cursor cur1,cur2,cur3; /* string sql="select p.poster_id,CURSOR(select pp.play_id,t.text prod_name from t_play pp, t_text t where t.object_type_id(+)=12 and t.text_type_id(+)=23 and t.object_id(+)=pp.play_id and t.language_id(+)=1 and pp.poster_id=p.poster_id) ddd from t_poster p"; */ /* string sql="select CURSOR(select pp.play_id,t.text prod_name from t_play pp, t_text t where t.object_type_id(+)=12 and t.text_type_id(+)=23 and t.object_id(+)=pp.play_id and t.language_id(+)=1 ) ddd from dual"; */ string sql="begin PLAY.get_select(:cur); end;"; con.prepare(sql,cur3); cur3.bind(":cur",cur1); cur3.execute(); cur1.execute(); // con.execQuery(sql,cur3); printHead(cur1); while(cur1.fetch()) { cur1.getCursor(1,cur2); cur2.execute(); printHead(cur2); while(cur2.fetch()) { printRow(cur2); } cur2.drop(); } } void test_perfomance(Connection &con) { timeval start,end; Cursor cur; string sql; unsigned prefetch; double diff,overall=0; int nrows=0; cout << "sql:"; getline(cin,sql); cout << "rows to prefetch:"; cin >> prefetch; gettimeofday(&start,0); con.prepare(sql,cur); gettimeofday(&end,0); diff=(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+(end.tv_usec-start.tv_usec)/1000000.0; overall+=diff; cout << "Prepared in " << diff <<endl; start=end; cur.execute(); gettimeofday(&end,0); diff=(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+((double)(end.tv_usec-start.tv_usec))/1000000; overall+=diff; cout << "Executed in " << diff <<endl; start=end; while(cur.fetch()) { /* dummy while */ nrows++; } gettimeofday(&end,0); diff=(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+((double)(end.tv_usec-start.tv_usec))/1000000; overall+=diff; cout << "Fetched " << nrows << " rows in " << diff << "seconds. Overall "<<overall << endl; } void createBFile(Connection &con) { string dir,file; string direction,pos; unsigned actread; BFile bfile; cout << "dir:"; cin >> dir; cout << "file name:"; cin >> file; con.createBFile(dir,file,bfile);; while(1) { string c; // command cout << "(r/s/t/l/q) >"; cin >> c; if(c=="r") { char buf[256]; while((,254))) { buf[actread]='\0'; cout << buf; } } else if(c=="s") { cout<<"Direction(SET/CUR/END:"; getline(cin,direction); cout<<"Position:"; getline(cin,pos); if(direction=="SET"),SET); else if(direction=="CUR"),CUR); else,END); } else if(c=="t") { cout<<"Offset:"<<bfile.tell()<<endl; } else if(c=="l") { cout << "Len: "<<bfile.getLen()<<endl; } else if(c=="q") { break; } } bfile.close(); } void test_prefetch(Connection &con) { timeval start,end; Cursor cur; string sql; int prefetch,nrows=0; double diff,overall=0; cout << "sql:"; getline(cin,sql); cout << "Prefetch:"; cin >> prefetch; gettimeofday(&start,0); con.execQuery(sql,cur,prefetch); gettimeofday(&end,0); diff=(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+(end.tv_usec-start.tv_usec)/1000000.0; overall+=diff; cout << "executed in " << diff <<endl; start=end; while(cur.fetch()) { /* dummy while */ nrows++; cerr << cur.getStr(0) << endl; } gettimeofday(&end,0); diff=(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+((double)(end.tv_usec-start.tv_usec))/1000000; overall+=diff; cout << "Fetched " << nrows << " rows in " << diff << "seconds. Overall "<<overall << endl; } void serverVersion(Connection &con) { cout << con.serverVersion() << endl; } void test_huge_insert(Connection &con) { int i; std::string sql; try { for(i=0;i<1000000000;i++) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf,"%d",i); sql="insert into test1(id,f1,f2) values("; sql+=buf; sql+=",'f1="; sql+=buf; sql+="','f2=-"; sql+=buf; sql+="')"; cout << sql << endl; con.execUpdate(sql); } } catch(OraError er) { cerr << "catch error:" << er.message << " i=" << i << endl; } } void printHead(Cursor &cur) { string attrName; for(int i=0;i<cur.getNCols();i++) { cur.getColName(i,attrName); if(!i) cout<<"|"; cout<<attrName<<"("<<cur.getColSize(i)<<")|"; } cout << endl; } void printRow(Cursor &cur) { string cell; int nCols=cur.getNCols(); for(int i=0;i<nCols;i++) { cur.getStr(i,cell); if(!i) cout<<"|"; cout<<cell<<"|"; } cout << endl; } void help(Connection &con) { map<string,string>::const_iterator ci=help_map.begin(); cout << "Here's a list of available commands:"<<endl; while(ci!=help_map.end()) { cout << ci->first << " " << ci->second << endl; *ci++; } cout << "For details please visit docs's page at" <<endl; }