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Here's some information on how to use OCI C++ Lib
General programm Structure

Before any calls to ocicpplib, you should init it by calling db::init(mode)

Available modes are OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_THREAD, OCI_OBJECT default mode is OCI_DEFAULT.

ocicpplib is thread-safe, there's no static or global variables so if you are not making library variables global or static you can use it with threads. Maybe I'll add mutex locking and conditional var's in future versions. If you are using ocicpplib in multi-threaded environment init it with OCI_THREAD mode.

You can combine modes like this : OCI_THREAD | OCI_OBJECT

See Oracle Call Interface Programmers Reference for more information about these modes.

Next you should connect to the database and get the connection: This can be done by next call:

Proto: This call is obsolete use next one insteed Exceptions:
Connection &con;
try {
} catch(OraError er) {
    cout << er.message << endl;
Full OraError class definition with comments is in file OraError.h

Then you can run execQuery or execUpdate.Obviously execQuery returns cursor representing result set, and execUpdate is for statements such as insert, delete, update or anonymous PL/SQL blocks without returning clause (not supported yet).

ocicpplib features executing of insert, update or delete statements using execQuery.

But be carefull of doing it methods such as Cursor::getNCols() they are raising an exceptions.


Exceptions: Now we have a cursor so we can start fetch data: Zero return value means there's no more rows in result set. You can fetch in only one direction - to the next row. Cursor::fetch() has no parameters;

The common use is to run while circle like this :

while(cur.fetch()) {
Hm... do_something() ?

So how to get row data. There's a number of get<Type>(col,val) methods.
They can take either int col (col number in select list the first palce is a col number 0) or use string col (column name in resultset.)

Val should be type of <Type>.Types supported at the moment:

For Date columns added next methods: and calls working with column names. For NULL values 0 or empty string returned.

So while circle should be looks like :

while(cur->fetch()) {
    string col_data;
    try {
        ... more column's :)
    } catch(OraError er) {
        cout << er.message<<endl;
Besides you can use some describe of select-list capabilies: there's getNCols() returning the number of columns in result set. It's usefull when you need to draw a table for example :
int nCol=cur->getNCols();
while(cur->fetch()) {
    for(int i=0;i<nCols;i++) {
        //do something with each col in each row
Get column names by calling
Cursor::getColName(int col,string &col_name);
Next methods have to types first one's get int second one get's string colname Obtaind column size by calling: Get column type In version 0.2.5 new methods added: This functions now returns internal Oracle types not requested types as it was in previous versions

To close connection just delete Connection,call Connection::drop(). be carefull - Updates are not autocommitted run execUpdate("commit") or transCommit() yourself

Per-version features list and it description

Version 0.1.0 and higher features serializable and read-only transactions support.

to start a new transaction call Connection::transStart(flags),where flags are SERIALIZABLE or READONLY to commit transaction call Connection::transCommit() and Connection::transRollback() to rollback.

For version 0.1.0 could be only one transaction per connection. Next versions should support several transactions per connection.

New methods were added :

void Connection::transStart(int flags);
void Connection::transCommit();
void Connection::transRollback();
void Connection::execQuery(string &query,Cursor &cur);
void Connection::execUpdate(string &request,Cursor &cur);
void db::connect(connect_string,user,passwd,Connection &con);
void Connection::init(constuctor params);
void Cursor::init(constructor params);
prototype for db::connection() changed;

Version 0.2.0 features CLOB/BLOB support Connection and Cursor have methods drop and init now drop is usefull if you have one Cursor object for number of queries call cur.drop() to drop cursor or connection see examples in demo.cpp ( demo.cpp User Manual )

Version 0.3.0 features bindings of strings,ints,doubles and rowids for this new method prepare(string sql,Cursor &cur) added to Connection calling this method you get new cursor Then you can bind by calling bind() method of Cursor support for bind of rowids have several limitations: hence you cannot fetch and then save rowid somethere,then close cursor or fetch next row and then use it in another cursor. You should fetch cursor by calling fetch() get it from current row of result set : cur.getRowID(col,RowID &rid),

prepare new cursor bind rid and execute new cursor imidiatly If you call fetch or close cursor cur RowId will be dropped and will not contain any usefull information .It will be unusable. This is because the size of OCIRowid is not known time so i can't copy it nothere . If someone know how to save OCIRowid please let me know too. test_rowid() and test_aqm() function in demo.cpp ( demo.cpp User Manual ) demonstrates the use of bindings strings and rowids Hope its enough to understand how it working ,if not it means i(yes I) do something wrong cause it should be easy for all .

Version 0.3.1 features ref cursors It's quite simple : First you prepare new cursor cur1 and define cur2:

Cursor cur1,cur2;
string sql="
        open :cursor for select * from dummy;
cur1.execute(); Open and init cur2
now just execute cur2:
That's all!

cur2 is ready now for describing and fetching from it test_refcur in demo/demo.cpp ( demo.cpp User Manual ) shows a working example of using this feature.Be sure ref cursor's are not "true" ref's on objects so any select REF(object) .. is not supported.

Version 0.3.2 features support of nested tables

There's new method getCursor(col,Cursor &cur); after call to this method execute the cursor( cur.execute(); ) and fetch data from it.

test_ntable demonstrates the use of this feature Note: If you have retrieved multiple ref cursors, you must take care when fetching them into cur. If you fetch the first one, you can then perform fetches on it to retrieve its data. However, once you fetch the second ref cursor into cur, you no longer have access to the data from the first ref cursor.

Version 0.3.9 now you should pass a reference to short int variable as a last parameter of bind calls.It's indicator variable equals -1 if null fetched,otherwice 0. Example:

string sql=
"   :ret_val=foo(args);"
short isNull;
if(isNull==-1) cout<<"ret_val is null"<<endl;
else cout << "ret_val=" << ret_val<<endl;

Besides new bind call added.If you have need to return strings from your pl/sql programs you should use next call for binding: Cursor::bind(const string &par,char *buf,int buflen,short &isNull)

Version 0.3.10 changed interface a little There's a bind calls changed now they tooks a pointer to
short as their third agrgument.By default it value is 0.
After execution it contain -1 if null returned or 0 otherwice.
Added a number of calls get<Type> now they can return int double and string.
Added setPrefetch() call but it not tested yet.
Version 0.4.0 features "prefetching" it can increase speed up to one hundred times.Here's a list of methods changed to provide it:
Connection::execQuery(string sql,Cursor cur,int prefetchRows);
Connection::prepare(sql,cur,int prefetchRows);
Cursor::execute(int prefetchRows);
For all of them default value of prefetchRows is 1.
Also changed Cursor::getInt(), Cursor::getDouble() and Cursor::getStr().
Because of them are most often used,one can take an indicator value and value of column in one call to Cursor::getStr(). For Cursor::getInt() and Cursor::getDouble() in addition you can pass a default null value if there's null in the cell.

Working with BLOB/CLOB

There's new methods getCLOB and getBLOB returning Lob object.

    while(cur.fetch()) {
        Lob lob;
Lobs provide the following methods: See test_blob() in demo/demo.cpp ( demo.cpp User Manual ) for examples of using this interface

demo.cpp User Manual

demo/demo.cpp programm structure and user manual
There's a global map mapping commands to functions
if there's no known command it assumes it's a sql request
Here's the full list of commands:

	connecting  to database asks for tnsname , user and password
	exit demo programm
help or empty string:
	print help on available commands
	Starts new serializable transaction
	Commits current transaction
	Rollbacks current transaction
	print current ocicpplib version
	Demonstrate on how to use get<Type>(string &colname,val)
	demonstrate how to work with BLOB/CLOB objects
	First it asks for sql Create some table with CLOB or BLOB column 
	and enter select your_lob_col from your_table [for update (if you going to write to lob)]
	then it let's u enter colname to work with or '.' for next row or Enter to finish 
	enter colname u want to work with it will let you choose mode 
	if you choose [r]ead it will show you the content of Lob write will ask you for data to write 
	seek ask you for Direction and offset
	[t]runcate will ask you for new len of lob
	over one's just show you same information
	shows how use bind mechanism (advanced queeing machanism),it
	asks for sql first,then asks for parameter name and value empty param
	name means the user requested execution
	shows use of rowid's in your programs it works automatically 
	and uses for test and as code example
	shows use of refcursor's in your program it purpose same as
	for test_rowid
	shows use of nested tables in your programm it purpose same as for

Using ocicpplib in your programs

There's a demo and acinlude.m4 demonstrating on how you can compile your programs with ocicpplib.

First each programm using ocicpplib should

and it's enough to compile.
There's acinlude.m4 file in ditribution what can be usefull when using autoconf

You need at least ORACLE_INCLUDES
Makefile rules to compile ur programm:
If you installed ocicpplib somethere location what not in you should add -Wl,-rpath -Wl,,next if you don't have a record about oracle libs add -Wl,-rpath -Wl, to your LDFLAGS.Oracle libs are often located in $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

Because of my english is Far from good i want to ask for people who speak english good enough to rewrote this documentation

If you still have any questions on how to use it,request a support here

Generated at Tue Jun 12 10:37:32 2001 for OCI C++ Library by doxygen1.2.4-20010128 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001